Tips For Buying Used Musical Instruments On eBay

You can find incredible deals on musical instruments on eBay. Use these tips and tricks to find that perfect deal.

Buy That American Stratocaster On eBay
Buy The Fender American Stratocaster On eBay

   This week on Live Musician Central I’ve been doing several posts on the recent Fender price increase. In case you weren’t aware, Fender musical instruments increased prices by as much as 30% at the beginning of March, 2009. This will have a big effect on all live performing musicians who use Fender products. I wrote a post earlier this week about how the Fender price increase affects working musicians. These instruments are the tools of our trade and I personally like using good tools but I don’t want to spend every penny of my earnings on them.  That’s why I’ve been putting up posts this week with links for buying Fender guitars and Fender amplifiers on eBay. Buying used instruments on eBay is a great way to pick up some excellent instruments for decent prices. I’ve bought and sold a lot of equipment on eBay over the years and I’ve learned some tips and tricks for getting decent deals from good sellers on eBay. Today we’re going to discuss some tips and guidelines for buying used instruments on eBay.

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Fender Price Increase And How It Affects Working Musicians

Matt discusses the effect of the Fender 25% price increase on the average working musician.

Matt Plays His Gibson Les Paul Custom
Matt Plays His Gibson Les Paul Custom

   Yes fellow musicians it’s true, Fender musical instruments has raised prices on their professional level instruments by approximately 25%. That means the American Deluxe Stratocaster you’ve been saving up to buy for $1249.00 is now going to cost you $1599.00. That’s quite a painful price increase when you’re saving up your hard earned gig money to buy a professional level Stratocaster. Is it fair for Fender to do this? Of course it is, this is America and you can charge whatever the market is willing to bear. As always, it’s the choice of the musician’s to buy or not to buy and it’s going to be very interesting to see how this is going to affect buying choices.

Continue reading “Fender Price Increase And How It Affects Working Musicians”

Save Money With An Extra 10% Off Scratch ‘N’ Dent Items From Musician’s Friend

One week only save an additional 10% on all Scratch ‘N’ Dent items from Musician’s Friend.

Extra 10% Off Scratch 'N' Dent at MusiciansFriend

   For exactly one week you can save an additional 10% off all Scratch ‘N’ Dent items from Musician’s Friend. You can really save big money on the scratch ‘n’ dent music equipment. It’s a great way to equip your live band and the prices are comparable to buying used equipment. The gear in the Scratch ‘N’ Dent section generally has minor cosmetic flaws but it doesn’t have the wear and tear that you would get when buying used equipment. Another great thing is you get the Musician’s Friend Advantage which is the 45-day low price guarantee, 45-day 100% satisfaction guarantee, on-time delivery guarantee and the no-hassle return policy. You will also get free shipping on all orders over $99.

   As you can see, this is a really great promotion and you can score some killer deals. Remember, this special promotion ends on January 13, 2009. Just click on the banners to check out the Scratch ‘N’ Dent sale.

Extra 10% Off Scratch 'N' Dent at MusiciansFriend

Buy A Used Guitar On eBay

You can find a great bargain buying a used guitar on eBay. Follow these tips to make a great purchase.

Fender American Deluxe Ash Stratocaster
Fender American Deluxe Ash Stratocaster

   Ask any live musician and we’ll all tell you we love a good bargain. Some of the best savings on music equipment can be found on eBay. There’s almost always a good deal to be found on eBay if you just take the time to search for it. There are tons of guitars for sale on eBay and if you search through them you can find some real bargains. Here are some basic tips for buying a guitar on eBay:    Continue reading “Buy A Used Guitar On eBay”

Get Ready For Christmas With Black Friday Deals

   Here are some of the best deals for the live musician on your shopping list this Christmas. You can save a lot of money by using the following list of links to do your shopping. You can save 15%, 20% or even 89% on music equipment and accessories with some of these deals. There’s also a lot of chances to get free shipping on your orders, regardless of the weight and you know how heavy speakers and amps can be. You could save hundreds of dollars on shipping costs alone. There’s also a link to excellent equipment rebates and gift guides as well. Amazon’s Black Friday deals are huge this year too and they have a great selection of music and music equipment. Continue reading “Get Ready For Christmas With Black Friday Deals”

Hot Deals For Christmas From Musician’s Friend

   Yup, it’s that time of year again and the best music equipment always sells out early around Christmas. Musician’s Friend has a Hot Deal for every live musician out there no matter what you play. Here are some links to help you find the best deals at Musician’s Friend.

75% Savings for the Wall 2 Wall Sale
Continue reading “Hot Deals For Christmas From Musician’s Friend”

Save Money With Musician’s Friend Rockin’ Rebates

Get $100 Rebate On Gibson Les Paul

   Every live musician wants to save money. That’s why you owe it to yourself to check out Musician’s Friends rebate page. They have rebates on hundreds of items in every category from Live Sound to Accessories. Going to the rebate page is an easy way to start your shopping list and find some gifts for your buddies this year.

   So make sure you check out these rockin’ rebates!

Up to $460 Cash Back with Rockin' Rebates

Save Money On Accessories With Coupon Code From Music123

Save 15% On Hearos Ear Plugs

   There’s a couple of really good deals going on at Music123 that I wanted to make you aware of. Right now all the accessories ship free on orders over $49. That’s half the usual amount to get free shipping. You usually have to order $99 to get free shipping but for the accessories you only have to order $49 worth of stuff to get free shipping.

   Second, there’s a great coupon code that you can use to get a 15% discount on all accessories. You can save a bunch of money by entering this coupon code during checkout when ordering accessories. Just click this link: 15% Off All Accessories with Coupon Code: B2S15 at That’s a great deal and it’s not going to last forever. So if you’re a live musician, now is the perfect time to pick up some much needed accessories for you and your band.

   Here’s a list of links to accessories that you can buy using the 15% discount code.

Horizon Concert Series 24-Channel/4-Return Stage Snake Standard

Mogami Gold High-Definition Neutrik 1/4″ Straight Instrument Cable 18 Foot

Mogami Silver Series Microphone Cable 50 Foot

Nova 12-Pair Hickory Drumsticks Wood Rock

Roc-N-Soc NRX Nitro Rider Drum Throne Black

Furman PM-8 II Power Conditioner with Digital Volt And Current Meters Standard

Yamaha Portable Keyboard Survival Kit B Standard

Drum One Shield Two Drum Shield Standard

Fingerease Guitar String Lubricant Standard

Fender Instrument Care Kit by Meguiar’s Standard

Big Bends Nut Sauce Tuning Lubricant Standard

Seymour Duncan SH-4 JB Humbucker Pickup Black

EBow PlusEbow Electronic Bow for Guitar Standard

Clayton Acetal Standard Guitar Picks .80MM 1 Dozen

Dean Markley 2556 Blue Steel Regular Gauge Electric Guitar Strings Standard

M-Audio SP-2 Sustain Pedal Standard

   That’s just a small sampling of the types of accessories that you can get right now at Music123. With the combined discounts of 15% off the price of the accessory and free shipping on orders over $49.00 you can save a bundle. So make sure you get in on the sale while you still can!

15% Off All Accessories with Coupon Code: B2S15

Talent And Skill On The Ukulele – Jake Shimabukuro

   I have to admit that I never really considered the Ukulele a very serious instrument. It seems so limited with only four strings and a two octave range. Of course, whenever an instrument can make music, it seems like someone comes along and masters it.

   I gained  a new appreciation for the Ukulele when I saw an amazing YouTube video by Ukulele virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro. His skill on the instrument is truly amazing and he has a rare talent for creating very moving arrangements of well loved songs. The video I have added to this post is of Jake playing “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” written by George Harrison of The Beatles. It’s an amazing video to watch and Jake performed this same version on the Conan O’Brien show. His performance of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps” was a huge hit on the Conan O’Brien show and prompted Conan to get up out of his chair and declare the performance as one of the best things he’s ever seen on the show.

   So enjoy the video of Jake Shimabukuro, I’ve also included a link to his website.

Continue reading “Talent And Skill On The Ukulele – Jake Shimabukuro”

Live Musician Central Announces Products From Music123

   Live Musician Central has now added product links from . I have shopped many times with Music123 and have always been pleased with their customer service and ease of checkout. I bought my Line 6 TonePort KB37 from Music123 and I buy my Dean Markley Blue Steel Strings from them as well. Today I’m going to give you a few links to Music123 so you can check out the excellent promotions from this great online music store.

Continue reading “Live Musician Central Announces Products From Music123”

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