A good band logo can be a very powerful marketing tool for your live band. A good logo will be an image that people will associate with your band every time they see it. After choosing a band name you should create a memorable logo to use on all of your band documents, websites and merchandise.
Qualities of a good logo are:
- It’s instantly recognizable
- Looks good in color or black and white
- Looks good in various sizes
- Is easy to reproduce
- Is not too busy
- Brings an emotional response
- Can be used in many situations
A trademark protects a word, phrase, symbol, design or a combination of these, that identifies and distinguishes the goods or services of one person or company from those of others. A copyright on the other hand is a form of protection for Authors of literary, musical, dramatic, artistic and certain other intellectual works. Continue reading “Creating A Band Logo And How To Trademark It”