Every week on Live Musician Central we pick the top new album releases for the week. How do we determine the top album releases? We base it solely on the level of music industry marketing behind the album. These releases may not be our personal favorites but they are being pushed like crazy by the music industry. How does that help us as live performing musicians? It keeps us in the loop with the rest of the industry and also serves as a reference to what’s going to be played by radio, tv and dj’s across the nation. That can help your band with song selection for building your set lists or programming your break music that you play during band breaks. It’s a fact that marketing by the music industry plays a huge part in what people in general are listening to. That can help your band appear on top of the scene by playing songs that people are going to be familiar with. We do put some classic albums and personal favorites up as well.
We feature MP3 downloads from Amazon.com because of their extremely high quality (256kbps MP3) and excellent pricing. You can save a bundle downloading from Amazon.com and everything you download from them is DRM free and can be played on multiple music players including iPods and iPhones.
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