Michael Jackson – This Is It – Movie Review

Review of the Michael Jackson movie -This Is It by Live Musician Central author Matt Rushton.

Michael Jackson - This Is It
Michael Jackson - This Is It

   Last night I got the chance to see the new Michael Jackson movie, This Is It. I was excited to see one of my favorite live performers of all time, one more time. I went into the movie without reading any of the reviews so I could make my own judgement on the show. I didn’t really know what to expect other than seeing Michael rehearsing for the tour that he had planned at the time of his passing.

   This Is It really is a behind the scenes look at the tour preparations and rehearsal for his O2 tour which was hoped to be a momentous comeback for him. The film starts with interviews of excited dancers who had made it through the tough audition process to be able to be onstage with the King Of Pop. The movie switches Michael footage very quickly which is good, that’s who I wanted to see!   Continue reading “Michael Jackson – This Is It – Movie Review”

Sunday Funnies – Michael Jackson – Bad Vs. Weird Al – Fat

Side by side comparison of Michael Jackson’s “Bad” video and Weird Al Yankovic’s “Fat” video.

   I though this was a pretty funny side by side comparison of Michael Jackson’s video for “Bad” and Weird Al Yankovic’s video for “Fat”.  The music running simultaneously is kind of irritating but it’s really funny to watch what Wierd Al did with the parody of the original video.    Continue reading “Sunday Funnies – Michael Jackson – Bad Vs. Weird Al – Fat”

Michael Jackson – Dirty Diana (video)

Video of Michael Jackson performing the song “Dirty Diana” featuring the guitar work of Steve Stevens.

For today’s Musician Showcase I’m featuring one of my favorite songs by the great Michael Jackson. As you know, I play lead guitar in my live band so my favorite type of music features a lot of electric guitar. My favorite Michael Jackson songs naturally have the guitar mixed front and center.

The song “Dirty Diana” features the excellent guitar playing of Steve Stevens. Steve was at the height of his fame with Billy Idol at the time and Michael, being the genius marketer that he is, hired Steve to play on this song. I’m sure the decision was based on the great success Michael had using Eddie Van Halen to play on “Beat It”.

What I love about this song is the dark sexiness it evokes. The video shows Michael busting off some of his sexier stage moves and the whole thing just rocks. I hope you enjoy it!     Continue reading “Michael Jackson – Dirty Diana (video)”

Michael Jackson Top Album’s and Singles

Listen to and download top Michael Jackson albums and singles in MP3 format.

   What better way to celebrate the life of Michael Jackson than listen to some of his best music? I figured I’d put up his biggest selling albums and top singles. Just click on the albums below to listen to clips of the best Michael Jackson music.

In Memoriam: Michael Jackson 1958-2009

A musician’s perspective on the passing of the great Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson - The Thriller Years
Michael Jackson - The Thriller Years

   The world has lost one of the greatest musical talents of the 20th century, the great Michael Jackson. There’s no way to underestimate the impact that Michael Jackson has had on popular music. If you have a career playing in a live band then you know that Michael Jackson was also one of the greatest live performers of all time.

   Michael Jackson has been surrounded by weird stories and scandals for the last couple of decades. His ever-changing physical appearance only added to the strangeness. There’s no question that these things have tainted his legend and at times overshadowed his amazing accomplishments. I don’t want to talk about his eccentricity and bizarre behavior. I am a musician, and Michael Jackson was a musician so that’s what I will remember him for.    Continue reading “In Memoriam: Michael Jackson 1958-2009”

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