Musician’s Friend has lowered prices on lots of Fender gear and that’s a good thing, I think. What I mean is, I was looking into these supposed “price drops” and sure enough Fender has dropped prices on certain parts of their gear lineup. I don’t have good list of Pre-Price Hike prices but I do know that the Highway One Strat was $750 pre-price hike and is now $699. So that is indeed a real price drop, but what about everything else you may need in your live band?
It looks like the bulk of the price drops have happened on the Made-In-Mexico equipment such as the Standard line. But the top-of-the-line premium guitars such as my beloved Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster is still 30% more expensive than last year with no price drop in sight. The top amplifiers are still just as expensive as well so there’s no real savings on Fender’s premium equipment which is what I recommend when buying equipment to use when you play live.
If you’re simply looking to pick up a good quality Fender guitar, then the American Standard series has seen some drop in prices. From what I understand, they’re still more expensive than pre-price-hike but if you want a deal, now’s the time to get it. If you don’t mind a somewhat poor finish, the build quality on the Highway One Stratocaster is excellent and it really is a heck of a deal. So now is the time to grab some lower prices on Fender equipment. Just be sure to do your research and buy the best quality you can afford. You can find excellent products in the entire Fender line and with Musician’s Friend Satisfaction Guarantee you can always send it back if you don’t like it.
Keep in mind that these price drops are temporary and won’t last forever. Act now if you’re looking to buy brand new Fender instruments.