My live band In Stereo played this past weekend at the Canyon Inn in Salt Lake City, Utah. Our drummer, Ted Townsend was back playing with us after a long battle with a staff infection in his ankle. If you remember, he got sick in April right before a gig. Ted had a rough time recovering but he’s one of the toughest people I’ve met and he’s back behind the drumset again.
Naturally after that long of a layoff you worry about a players ability to hold up under the strain of two consecutive 4-hour nights of playing. Especially when it’s the drummer because drumming takes a lot of stamina. We did get together to practice a couple nights before the gig and Ted was feeling good so we went ahead and played the Canyon Inn.
There were some loose spots and the spaces between songs were a little long at times. The amazing thing is, we use a computer sequencer on about 1/3 of our songs and we only got off on one song. That’s a compliment to Ted because it’s completely up to the drummer to keep us in sync with the sequencer. He did a fantastic job keeping the band together.
It was a holiday weekend here in Utah with the holiday falling on Friday the 24th. On Friday we had a medium sized crowd and they were very loud and appreciative of the band. Heidi Nedreberg came and sang with us on several songs to a very good reception from the audience. We did mess up on Separate Ways by Journey which was the only sequence we messed up on all weekend. Sorry about that Heidi, but she did sing with us again on Saturday and we nailed it.
Saturday wasn’t as full as Friday night. The crowd was small and had a really diverse cross-section of people. Luckily we were able to keep people there and got a lot of compliments. We had some nice compliments from the bar staff which means a lot because they get to hear every band that plays there. They told us it was sooo nice to have a good band in there again. It’s always great to hear that.
We had a lot of friends and family show up on both Friday and Saturday nights. That makes it a lot more fun for us to see people we know at the gigs. Our fans have really been supporting us and we thank you all.
In Stereo will be playing the Canyon Inn again in August so keep an eye on the websites. Make sure and check out the In Stereo Blog for more pictures of the Canyon Inn show. -Matt-