Weekend Gig Report – In Stereo at Canyon Inn February 13-14, 2009

Gig write up about Matt’s live band In Stereo playing the Canyon Inn on February 13-14, 2009.

In Stereo Bass Drum Logo
In Stereo Bass Drum Logo

   My live band, In Stereo, played at the Canyon Inn in Salt Lake City this weekend. It was a decent gig and a lot of interesting things happened. It was also interesting because it was on a Friday the 13th followed by Valentines Day. You would think that would give us a lot to work with from the stage but we didn’t really come up with a lot of good jokes. I think the Friday the 13th effect was in full force though because I totally lost my voice after about 5 songs. Let me start at the beginning.

   Friday night started out pretty well even though the club only filled up about two thirds of the way full. It wasn’t too bad because the crowd had a lot of energy. Earlier Friday I felt a cold coming on and I was getting a sore throat but I figured I would be okay to sing if i didn’t push it. I sang okay the first two sets but I could feel the power slipping out of my voice. By the time I sang Vertigo by U2 I totally lost my voice. That has only happened to me two or three times over the course of my 27 year career and it’s never fun. Luckily Tom’s daughter Heidi Nedreberg was in the crowd with a bunch of her friends and she came up and sang a bunch of songs with us. That took a lot of pressure off of us vocally and she did really well. The crowd gave Heidi a lot of applause and she even picked up a guy fan that wouldn’t leave her alone. You’re a good sport Heidi. Another funny thing that happened on Friday happened when we played our usual Birthday song for whoever is having birthdays in the club. Some guy with a bunch of  Tattoo’s got up and proceeded to bend over, grab his ankles and invite everyone in the club to come give him birthday spankings. So for the entire length of The Beatles – Birthday, everyone came up and spanked the guys ass. He seemed to enjoy himself though so it was all good.

   Saturday morning I woke up and my voice was completely gone. So I called Tom and told him we’d need Heidi to cover some vocals again. Unfortunately she had a previous commitment and wasn’t able to make it. So Tom, Kyle and Ted handled all the singing for the entire night. They did really well too and I was proud of them. I felt bad that I couldn’t carry my usual load of the singing. I don’t think about all the little harmony parts I sing in a lot of the songs as well as doing my share of the stage banter with the crowd. I did have some of our regular fans come up and give me love and tell me how much they missed my singing. So that made me feel a little better anyway. I have to admit that it was fun to only have to worry about playing awesome guitar parts. I definitely played better than usual on the guitar and I had several people compliment my playing. The club wasn’t full again on Saturday night which was kind of a bummer. We like to play to a packed house every time we play. The people that were there seemed to have a really good time though so that made things a lot better. Overall it was a pretty good gig and it taught me not to take my voice for granted.

   We’ll be playing the Canyon Inn again soon so keep an eye on Live Musician Central for upcoming gig announcements. -Matt-

Author: Live Musician Central

My name is Matt Rushton. I have been playing in bands for 27 years. I've been playing professionally for 21 years. I have opened for Sheryl Crow, Barenaked Ladies, Joan Jett, Little River Band, and Quiet Riot.

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