When I upgraded my studio from my old Fostex 24-track system to my Digidesign Pro Tools setup I lost some critical functionality. My Digidesign Digi-002 Rack system only had 8 total inputs which was a major downgrade from my 24-track. To be able to do live studio recordings with the whole band I needed a minimum of 12 channels for our 4-piece band.
Luckily my Digidesign Digi-002 Rack has a built-in ADAT interface. So my search began for an A/D Converter with Mic preamps built in.
I looked at units by Alesis and Presonus and they were nice units but really pricey. Finally, I found the:
Behringer ADA8000 Ultragain Pro-8 A/D/A Converter
It’s amazingly low priced for what it does. The Behringer ADA800 is an 8-channel A/D/A converter with inputs for either standard 1\4″ instrument cables or low-impedance microphone cables. The rack has switchable phantom-power for your high end studio and condenser microphones. Each input has an input gain adjustment knob that has a really good range. I am able to hook the Behringer ADA8000 up to my Digidesign Digi-002 rack with it’s built-in ADAT interface. The ADAT interface has selectable signal conversion rates of 44.1kHz or 48kHz. A huge feature is that it will run in full 24-bit resolution so you get pristine sounds associated with 24-bit resolution.
My primary usage has been to add an additional 8 inputs to my Digidesign Pro Tools setup and it functions perfectly with it. I now have the ability to record 16 inputs simultaneously and it all works flawlessly. The only thing you have to watch out for is making sure the conversion rates and ADAT clock sync is setup properly in Pro Tools. If you don’t have everything set right you will get digital noise artifacts. Once everything is set the ADA8000 is completely transparent. It’s amazing how quiet the Mic preamps are. There is no hiss at all and they don’t color the signal at all either. That’s fantastic when you’re mixing down and you have these perfect input signals to work with.
My only word of caution, as always, is that Behringer makes budget equipment so you need to make sure you register the product with Behringer as soon as you have it. Behringer is fine to work with on exchanges and service as long as you have registered your products. I had my first one of these units fail but Behringer replaced if for free and I had the replacement within a week. I’ve noticed throughout my career that electronics of this variety (no moving parts) will either fail within the first month or they will run forever. So you should be good to go as long as you register for your warranty.
So I’m giving the Behringer ADA8000 my highest recommendation simply because it does exactly what it says it will, it does it perfectly and it won’t break your budget!
I’m giving you 3 buying sources for the Behringer ADA8000 and I’m highly suggesting that you buy new and not used simply for warranty reasons:
[phpbay]behringer ada8000, 10[/phpbay]
Dear Sir,
I have digi 002 & i did try to work it out to become 16 channel for my live recording. kindly advise me how does it combine with ada800 converter & its set up as well
Thank you & your prompt response is highly appreciated
Zabidin Zamhari
Zabidin, it combines perfectly with the Digi 002 Rack and when used with the Digi 002 Rack it will give you 16 total channels.
To hook the Behringer ADA8000 to the Digi 002 you simply use two optical cables and connect the Optical Out from the Behringer ADA8000 to the Optical In of the Digi 002 and connect the Optical Out of the Digi 002 to the Optical In of the Behringer ADA8000.
You then set the Sync switch on the Behringer ADA8000 to ADAT In-Slave. That’s it to set up the hardware.
In Pro Tools you must select Setup->Hardware and set your Digital Input to Optical=ADAT then set your Clock Source to Internal. Then go to Setup->I/O and enable all your new ADAT inputs.
That’s all there is to it Mr. Zamhari. Let me know if you have any more questions. -Matt-
Hi Matt,
Noted & thank you
Matt, describe me the diagram of recording studio soundproof for ceiling, wall & floor & its materials
Thank you
Zabidin, I haven’t addressed soundproofing on Live Musician Central yet. But you can find some excellent information about studio soundproofing here: http://www.soundproofing.org/
There’s tons of excellent information there. -Matt-
Thanks Matt
Hi Matt,
I have a problem with one of fader 002, the fader run/move it self. it diffcult to me to do balance while im doing mixing.
Thank you
Zabidin, if your 002 has a fader moving by itself on a single project you may have recorded some fader automation on that particular track. I’m not sure what software you’re using but you need to remove the fader automation from the track that fader is assigned to.
If your 002 has a fader that’s moving on it’s own all the time no matter what project you have loaded in your software you may have a bad 002 and it probably needs to be serviced.
I hope that helps you. -Matt-
Hi Matt,
Software protools LE version 7.3, but the fader can be stabilized by setting the utilities fader at 002.
It will happen again if im using the same protools project.
If i reinstall the software does the existing program lost ?
Thank you
Zabidin, I’m not sure what to tell you on the fader issue, it sure sounds like you have some automation data being sent out on that particular project. You may want to ask the guys over at the Digidesign Forum.
If you reinstall the software it will force you to un-install first and then you’ll have to re-register all your plugins. I would not recommend doing that. Check in with the Digidesign Forum first for your fader issue.
Hi Matt
Noted & thank you
hello sir,
you have been very helpful. just was wondering if you can do this setup with an mbox 2?
Caleb, the mbox 2 does not have an optical, TOSLINK ADAT input so it will not work with the Behringer ADA8000. If you were to upgrade to a

Digidesign Digi 003 Rack Factory Pro Tools LE System
it would work.
Hi Matt,
Thanks for all of your helpful info so far. Just wondering if the ADA8000 can be used with a DIGI 002 for live sound, or is it purely for recording situations only in this circumstance?
Thanks in advance.
Eddie, the ADA8000 will work for live situations as well. The inputs from the ADA8000 can be routed to the outputs of the DIGI-002 just like any of the other inputs on the DIGI-002 itself.
Does that answer your question?
Matt, I’ve been able to get the ADA8000 to work with the 002 in a Pro Tools session – 16 inputs no problem, but haven’t been able to get the two to work in a live session in standalone mode. I’ve set the utility preferences on the 002 to: Wordclock – External, In 5/6: Analogue, SPDIF: Optical, and the ADA8000 to Master @ 44.kHz. I’ve also tried various other combinations but I haven’t had any success, is there some other step I’m missing here?
thanks again,
Eddie, now I understand what you’re asking. I actually have the Digi-002 Rack which doesn’t have a standalone mode. I haven’t used the ADA8000 with a Digi-002 mixer so I don’t have any experience with standalone mode. I did check the Digidesign Getting Started guide and found a step-by-step for setting up ADAT inputs in Standalone mode on page 102. You can check it out here: Digidesign Digi-002 Getting Started Guide
That’s the best I can do for you with my limited knowledge of the Digi-002 mixer.