Every year at Christmas my friends that know I play in a live band shower me with music related gifts. I really appreciate the thought but I have to admit that a lot of those presents get put into the equipment bin going unused simply because they’re not exactly what I would have chosen for myself. How many of you have received a guitar strap that just wasn’t cool enough to wear onstage? Or how many of you have had a spouse buy you a brand new guitar without knowing what to look for in a quality guitar? That’s why I’m telling you that Musician’s Gift Certificates are the best gifts you can give to your musician friends.
I know a lot of musician’s whose girlfriends or wives (or both) want to get their musician a new guitar. The problem is, the person giving the gift doesn’t play guitar themself so they just buy an instrument based on looks or based on the recommendation of the 18-year old guitar salesman. I’ve seen some upset couples over gifted guitars on Christmas morning. The problem can be solved simply by buying a gift certificate to your favorite music equipment retailer and giving that to your favorite musician with a nice note that says “Use this gift certificate to buy your favorite guitar!” Let me tell you, everyone will be saved a lot of disappointment if you just give the gift certificate and let your musician friends pick out their own equipment. You’ll save yourself time and you’ll save your musician friend from having to act excited over a gift they really don’t want.
Musician’s Friend has a couple of excellent gift certificate options. The first one I’d like to tell you about is the E-Certificate. E-Certificates are extremely easy to purchase and use. You simply enter the recipients name in a form, enter a dollar amount, write a short personal message and enter the recipients e-mail address. You pay for the E-Certificate using Musician’s Friend’s online checkout system. The E-Certificate is then e-mailed to the recipients inbox and they are able to shop online at Musician’s Friend and spend the amount you sent them. It’s fast, easy and will make your musician friends very happy when they receive them!
The next option is the traditional Musician’s Friend Gift Certificate. All you do is enter the amount you want on the gift certificate and you will be sent a paper certificate in that amount. You can then present this paper certificate to your musician friend and they will be able to use it on all phone orders to Musician’s Friend. They work great and you can put them under the tree along with all the other presents.
So this year make it easy on yourself while you spread some holiday cheer to all your musician buddies. Give them a high (VERY high) dollar amount gift certificate!