Fender Drops Prices On Musician’s Friend

Fender has lowered their prices on many instruments in their product line. Get them while they’re cheap because these prices won’t last long.

   Musician’s Friend has lowered prices on lots of Fender gear and that’s a good thing, I think. What I mean is, I was looking into these supposed “price drops” and sure enough Fender has dropped prices on certain parts of their gear lineup. I don’t have good list of Pre-Price Hike prices but I do know that the Highway One Strat was $750 pre-price hike and is now $699. So that is indeed a real price drop, but what about everything else you may need in your live band?

    It looks like the bulk of the price drops have happened on the Made-In-Mexico equipment such as the Standard line. But the top-of-the-line premium guitars such as my beloved Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster is still 30% more expensive than last year with no price drop in sight. The top amplifiers are still just as expensive as well so there’s no real savings on Fender’s premium equipment which is what I recommend when buying equipment to use when you play live.     Continue reading “Fender Drops Prices On Musician’s Friend”

Download Free Fender Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patch “LMC Twang”

Free preset patch download for your Fender Cyber-Twin SE amplifier, this one is called “LMC Twang”.

Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier
Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier

   Today I’m posting another of my custom programmed preset patches for all you guitarists using the excellent Fender Cyber-Twin SE amplifier in your live band. The Fender Cyber-Twin SE is my current stage amp. I’m very particular about my live sound so I spend some good time programming my Cyber-Twin SE until it sounds just like what I’m hearing in my head. Today’s patch is called “LMC Twang” and as the name suggests, it’s a twangy clear tone sound preset.

   There’s not a lot to say about this preset patch. It’s a bright, clear and twangy amp sound which uses a Blackface tone stack. I use this sound when my band plays Folsom Prison by Johnny Cash. I also used this sound on Shufflin’ Noah’s album “Fudgie The Dog”. I used it on track 1,  “Fudgie The Dog (intro)”.    Continue reading “Download Free Fender Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patch “LMC Twang””

Download Free Fender Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patch “LMC Matt’s Noise”

Listen to a sound clip and download a free custom preset sound patch for your Fender Cyber-Twin SE Guitar Amplifier. This one is “LMC Matt’s Noise”

Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier
Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier

   Today on Live Musician Central I’m posting another of my custom programmed preset sound patches for the Fender Cyber-Twin SE amplifier. This patch is called “LMC Matt’s Noise” and is one of my ‘special effect’ sound patches. This preset is based on a British Tone Stack and the Backwards Delay effect. I personally feel that the Backwards Delay effect has to be one of the least musical effects in the Cyber-Twin SE effect bank. But, it still has it’s place in the sonic soundscape.        Continue reading “Download Free Fender Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patch “LMC Matt’s Noise””

Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier Demo Video

Fender Cyber-Twin SE amplifier video demo featuring Grech Koch, Gary Hoey and Shane Nicholas. Excellent sounds and playing are contained within!

   For all you guitarists currently playing in a live band, Fender Musical just posted up this excellent demo video of the Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier. I use and love the Fender Cyber-Twin SE and I highly recommend this amplifier for any gigging musician out there. Greg Koch is absolutely right about the Cyber-Twin SE saving you from having to haul tons of equipment to your gigs. That’s the main reason I began using the Cyber-Twin SE, so I wouldn’t have to haul so many different pieces of equipment to the gig.

   The video features guitarists Greg Koch and Gary Hoey along with Fender amplifier marketing manager Shane Nicholas. Needless to say, you’re in for some excellent guitar playing in this video! This is by far the best demo video I’ve seen of the Fender Cyber-Twin SE amplifier and it’s worth watching simply for the incredible guitar playing by Gary Hoey in part 3 of the video.      Continue reading “Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier Demo Video”

Fender Frontman 212R 2×12 Guitar Combo Amp Review

The Fender Frontman 212R is an extremely affordable guitar amplifier that has plenty of volume for playing in a live band.

Fender Frontman 212R Guitar Amplifier
Fender Frontman 212R Guitar Amplifier

   I get asked all the time for guitar amplifier recommendations from guitarists that want to have a good amp to use in their live band. The amp I use and love is the Fender Cyber-Twin SE and I highly recommend that guitar amplifier. The Cyber-Twin SE is a professional quality amp which is also fairly expensive but I believe it’s worth every penny. That being said, many guitarists who are just starting out in their first live band are looking for quality guitar amplification and they don’t have a lot of cash to spend on an amplifier. That’s why today I’m going to talk about the extremely affordable Fender Frontman 212R guitar amplifier.     Continue reading “Fender Frontman 212R 2×12 Guitar Combo Amp Review”

Download Free Fender Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patch “LMC Stack Hot”

Check out a sound clip and download a free custom preset sound patch for your Fender Cyber-Twin SE Guitar Amplifier. This one is “LMC Stack Hot”

Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier
Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier

   Today on Live Musician Central I’m posting another one of my custom programmed sound preset patches for the Fender Cyber-Twin SE guitar amplifier. This one is called “LMC Stack Hot” and it is a more powerful version of my “LMC Stack Chorus” preset that I posted last week. I actually use “LMC Stack Chorus” and “LMC Stack Hot” together on a lot of songs. The basic sound is that of a classic Marshall amplifier which I wanted to thicken up with stereo chorus and create the illusion of having a 2nd guitar. On “LMC Stack Hot” I used the same basic tone as “LMC Stack Chorus” but I switched to Sine Chorus insted of Triangle Chorus for a smoother, more focused chorus sound. I also switched to HMB Tube 2 drive circuitry, added compressor and cranked the gain up a bit to increase the sustain. I use “LMC Stack Hot” as a boost for solo’s or to add more sustain in songs that I’m using “LMC Stack Chorus” as the main sound. I switch between both sounds in the same song a lot of the time but they do get used on their own in different songs as well.      Continue reading “Download Free Fender Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patch “LMC Stack Hot””

Fender Cyber-Twin SE and Jeff Beck Stratocaster Featured On Shufflin’ Noah Album

Listen to the Fender Cyber-Twin SE and Jeff Beck Stratocaster on the Shufflin’ Noah – “Fudgie The Dog” album.

Download "Fudgie The Dog" (a concept album)
Download "Fudgie The Dog" (a concept album)

   I get a lot of traffic on Live Musician Central for both the Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier and the Fender Stratocaster. I talk about both those pieces of Fender equipment a lot because that’s what I use myself. The Cyber-Twin SE and my Fender American Deluxe Ash Stratocaster comprise the core of my current live guitar rig. I also have a home studio where I record my own original music as well as my bands Shufflin’ Noah and In Stereo’s original music. Needless to say, my Cyber-Twin SE and Stratocasters are on a lot of my recordings. I also get a lot of traffic on my Fender Cyber-Twin SE custom patch-preset download page from Cyber-Twin SE users looking for quality sound patches for their amplifiers. I have short sound clips of my custom Cyber-Twin SE sound patches on the download page but I haven’t posted up a lot of complete songs that highlight the way these preset patches sound within the confines of a band. Today I’m going to point you to an album I recorded with my band Shufflin’ Noah that features the Fender Cyber-Twin SE amplifer and my ’98 Fender Jeff Beck Signature Stratocaster using my custom programmed preset patches exclusively for every guitar sound on the album.

   The album by Shufflin’ Noah is called “Fudgie The Dog” and it’s a concept album detailing the life and misadventures of a German Shorthair dog named Fudgie. The entire album came out of a 2-hour jam session where we simply recorded everything we played. The only discussion or planning that went into creating the album were short 5 to 10 minute discussions about what Fudgie would do next. Then we’d create the next song complete with music, melody and lyrics right there on the spot. Sometimes the playing is loose and sometimes the songs are just okay, but there are times when we catch that special musical magic that comes from four musicians being completely in synch with one another. If you haven’t downloaded the album yet, you can go to the main download page to download it. Just follow this link ->Fudgie The Dog Download Page.

   Once you have a copy of the album you can hear for yourself how great the Fender Cyber-Twin SE and Jeff Beck Stratocaster sound on the recording without any overdubs or added studio effects. Below is a track-by-track breakdown of the custom preset sound patches that I programmed for the Cyber-Twin SE and used on each track. The preset patch is noted in italics for each track.  If I have already posted the sound on Live Musician Central, you can click the name to go to that sound patches download page. You can hear sound clips of every track by checking out the Shufflin’ Noah Releases “Fudgie The Dog” On Live Musician Central page.

    “Shufflin’ Noah – Fudgie The Dog” – Cyber-Twin SE Track-by-Track Sound Patch Breakdown

  • Track 1 – Fudgie The Dog  (Intro) I used the “LMC Twang” patch which has not been posted.
  • Track 2 – Fudgie Goes Home LMC Stack Chorus
  • Track 3 – Discipline LMC Roar
  • Track 4 – Chasin’ A Bitch LMC Roar
  • Track 5 – Discipline Part II “LMC Super ’66” patch which has not been posted.
  • Track 6 – You Are My Buttercup LMC Warm Triple
  • Track 7 – Freedom LMC Hi-Gain ’66
  • Track 8 – Prison LMC Matt’s Noise
  • Track 9 – Comin’ Home For Christmas LMC Warm Rain

   And there you have it, a listing of all the sound preset patches used on the Fudgie The Dog album. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed creating the album. -Matt-

Download Free Fender Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patch “LMC Stack Chorus”

Listen and download a free custom preset sound patch for your Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier. This one is LMC Stack Chorus.

Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier
Click To Search Deals On Fender Cyber-Twin SE

    Today on Live Musician Central I’m posting one of my most popular custom programmed preset patches for the Fender Cyber-Twin SE amplifier. This is the first of two patches that I use in tandem to create a lot of my classic Marshall amplifier tones. The basis for this patch is the “Vintage Stack” amplifier model that comes with the Cyber-Twin SE. Where it differs from that one is my patche’s ability to get thick and wide in the stereo spectrum with chorus and also with more gain. One of the biggest challenges I face being the only guitar player in the band is creating the illusion of having more than one guitarist onstage. A lot of the time I’m combining two guitar parts to be played on a single guitar and it’s up to my Cyber-Twin SE to create the thickness of two guitars. That’s how this preset patch was born.

Continue reading “Download Free Fender Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patch “LMC Stack Chorus””

Beat The Fender Price Increase and Get Low Prices On A Jeff Beck Signature Stratocaster

Beat the Fender price increase and bring home a sweet Jeff Beck Signature Stratocaster from eBay.

Jeff Beck Signature Stratocaster
Jeff Beck Signature Stratocaster

   This week on Live Musician Central we’ve been celebrating the release of Jeff Beck’s super new live DVD/Blu-Ray “Jeff Beck Performing This Week: Live At Ronnie Scott’s“. We’ve also been fighting against the insane Fender price increase by posting up links to great deals on Fender equipment on eBay. Today we’re going to do both and fight the Fender price increase by featuring Jeff Beck Signature Stratocaster listings on eBay. Keep in mind, if you want to buy a new Jeff Beck Signature Stratocaster from Musician’s Friend it will cost you $2,019.00 to get one delivered to you. If you look at these eBay listings you can see that you’ll be able to pick up a Jeff Beck Signature Strat for anywhere from $1199.00 to $1500.00. That’s a big savings if you go ahead and buy on eBay. We will keep these postings going on all current auctions for the Jeff Beck Signature Stratocaster.
[phpbay]Jeff Beck Stratocaster, 10[/phpbay]

Beat The Fender Price Increase On Bass Guitars With Deals On eBay

Beat the Fender price increase by checking these listings for bass guitars on eBay.

Fender Standard Jazz Bass - Midnight Wine
Click To Search Deals On Fender Basses

   With the recent 30% price increase across the entire Fender product line many Fender products are now further out of reach of the average working musician. Many people are questioning why Fender would increase prices at a time when the economy is so down. There’s one sure way to fight the price increase and that’s to buy used gear. The biggest used gear market on the internet is eBay and today on Live Musician Central we’re going to feature Fender Bass Guitars! Just take a look at the listings below and if you see something you like, click the link and bid on it. You could score the bass guitar of your dreams and save a bundle of money by buying used.

[phpbay]Fender Bass, 10[/phpbay]

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