Today I’m posting another of my custom programmed preset patches for all you guitarists using the excellent Fender Cyber-Twin SE amplifier in your live band. The Fender Cyber-Twin SE is my current stage amp. I’m very particular about my live sound so I spend some good time programming my Cyber-Twin SE until it sounds just like what I’m hearing in my head. Today’s patch is called “LMC Twang” and as the name suggests, it’s a twangy clear tone sound preset.
There’s not a lot to say about this preset patch. It’s a bright, clear and twangy amp sound which uses a Blackface tone stack. I use this sound when my band plays Folsom Prison by Johnny Cash. I also used this sound on Shufflin’ Noah’s album “Fudgie The Dog”. I used it on track 1, “Fudgie The Dog (intro)”.
I like all my tones to have just the slightest bit of tube grit to them. LMC Twang can get gritty if you hit it really hard with your guitar signal. It runs very clean most of the time though. If you do want to add some extra grit and a bit of tube power to the sound, I’ve assigned the Gain control to the Continuous Controller pedal. If you want the sound even cleaner, just crank the gain down some.
LMC Twang has some light Delay and Chorus on it and I’ve assigned the FX Wet Out Level to the Expression Pedal if you want a drier sound. The Delay gives it a little bit of a slapback effect like what you hear on the old Sun recordings by Johnny Cash.
The sound clip of ”LMC Twang” was recorded using my 2004, 50th Anniversary American Deluxe Stratocaster which is equipped with the factory Samarium Cobalt Noiseless pickups. I am using the bridge pickup setting for the sound demo. I’ve posted the MIDI System Exclusive data for easy transferring to your Fender Cyber-Twin SE as well as the text file for this patch. If you don’t know how to use MIDI System Exclusive data to transfer patches to your amplifier, I’ve written a tutorial for you here: How To Save And Load Presets To Your Fender Cyber-Twin SE. You can also check out my other custom programmed Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patches at the main Preset Patch Download Page.
I hope you enjoy using “LMC Twang” in your Fender Cyber-Twin SE amplifier!
LMC Twang
Click The Link -> Download LMC Twang MIDI Sysex
Click The Link -> Download LMC Twang Text File
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