Today on Live Musician Central I’m posting another one of my custom programmed sound preset patches for the Fender Cyber-Twin SE guitar amplifier. This one is called “LMC Stack Hot” and it is a more powerful version of my “LMC Stack Chorus” preset that I posted last week. I actually use “LMC Stack Chorus” and “LMC Stack Hot” together on a lot of songs. The basic sound is that of a classic Marshall amplifier which I wanted to thicken up with stereo chorus and create the illusion of having a 2nd guitar. On “LMC Stack Hot” I used the same basic tone as “LMC Stack Chorus” but I switched to Sine Chorus insted of Triangle Chorus for a smoother, more focused chorus sound. I also switched to HMB Tube 2 drive circuitry, added compressor and cranked the gain up a bit to increase the sustain. I use “LMC Stack Hot” as a boost for solo’s or to add more sustain in songs that I’m using “LMC Stack Chorus” as the main sound. I switch between both sounds in the same song a lot of the time but they do get used on their own in different songs as well.
On “LMC Stack Hot” I assigned the Chorus Out Level to the Expression Pedal since some songs call for less stereo separation and less chorusing. It’s nice to be able to adjust it on the fly with the pedal. The gain is pretty cranked so I assigned it to the Continuous Controller so you can tweak the gain if you need to for dynamics. As I said before, this sound is more focused in the stereo spectrum than “LMC Stack Chorus” which you can hear in the sound clip. I play some more of AC/DC’s “You Shook Me All Night Long” in this soundclip including a little bit of the solo. You can hear how the compression I’ve added to “LMC Stack Hot” smooths out the phrasing.
The sound clip of ”LMC Stack Hot” was recorded using my 2004 50th Anniversary American Deluxe Stratocaster which is equipped with the factory Samarium Cobalt Noiseless pickups. I am using the bridge pickup setting for the sound demo. I’ve posted the MIDI System Exclusive data for easy transferring to your Fender Cyber-Twin SE as well as the text file for this patch. If you don’t know how to use MIDI System Exclusive data to transfer patches to your amplifier, I’ve written a tutorial for you here: How To Save And Load Presets To Your Fender Cyber-Twin SE. You can also check out my other custom programmed Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patches at the main Preset Patch Download Page. If you want to hear this and my other sound patch presets on an actual complete recording, check out the track by track listing of sound patches on the Shufflin’ Noah “Fudgie The Dog” album. It’s a great sampling of how my presets sound with a band.
Once again, this preset patch is competely free for all you Fender Cyber-Twin SE users out there. It’s my personal way of helping ease the burden of Fender’s crazy price increase. -Matt-
LMC Stack Hot
Click the link-> Download LMC Stack Hot MIDI Sysex
Click the link-> Download LMC Stack Hot Text Format
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