Download Free Fender Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patch – LMC Pure Clean

Download a free Fender Cyber-Twin SE sound preset patch titled LMC Pure Clean. It’s pure, un-effected Fender amplifier tone.

My Stage Amp - The Fender Cyber-Twin SE
My Stage Amp - The Fender Cyber-Twin SE

  Today for all you Fender Cyber-Twin SE playing live guitarists, I’m posting a brand new preset sound patch called LMC Pure Clean. Over on the Fender Community Forum we were discussing the Cyber-Twin SE’s capacity for creating a true Fender clean amp sound. The Cyber-Twin SE is powered by a true tube pre-amp and it’s natural tendency is for warm, overdriven tube sounds. Even though that’s the case I decided to try dialing up a nice, bright Fender clean sound without using any of the onboard effects.      

   The sound that I’ve created has not been time and road tested like all my other preset patches that I’ve posted on Live Musician Central. It sometimes takes me several gigs worth of tweaking to get a sound to the point where it’s working perfectly live onstage. A lot of my preset patches aren’t ready for a month or two. I programmed LMC Pure Clean in a week so it may go through further revisions later on as I use it more live. As it is now I don’t feel that it’s as refined as my other sound patches. I mainly wanted to try to honor a request by LesK on the Fender community forum.

   So with those disclaimers let me tell you a little about LMC Pure Clean. The sound does not have a compressor turned on and it has very low gain to keep the sound undistorted. That means you have a ton of dynamic headroom and the sound is completely in control of the players touch. If you hit your guitar too hard the sound will get out of control quickly. When you listen to the sound clip you can hear the sound jump out at you when I hit the final chord of the country twang picking section. But if you play with good physical control of the guitar then LMC Pure Clean will let you hear your guitar un-adorned by a lot of signal manipulation. It’s a really great sound for demonstrating the difference in guitars as it colors the sound of the instrument very little. If your guitar has string buzz or the pickups are adjusted wrong, you’re going to hear it using LMC Pure Clean. The sound is extremely responsive to your guitars Volume and Tone controls as well.

   Another interesting thing about the LMC Pure Clean patch is how it makes use of the Cyber-Twin SE’s ability to mix and match amp and circuit types. It has a Fender Tweed Amp tone stack tied to the drive circuitry of a Fender Blackface Tube amp. Has that been done in an amp before? I don’t know. I have also added some Fender Reverb to the sound as well and given the expression pedal control of the Reverb Dwell to beef it up on the fly if you want to. I’ve assigned the Gain control to the continuous controller pedal so you can add some distortion to the sound on the fly if you want some real tube compression and more drive.

   In the sound clip, I’m playing my Fender American Deluxe Ash Stratocaster with the Samarium Cobalt Noiseless pickups and the S1 switching system. I play the first half of the sound clip on the bridge pickup and you can really hear how the Stratocaster pickup is tilted toward the bridge on the high strings as the high strings are noticeably brighter than the bass strings. The LMC Pure Clean sound patch really reveals the guitar in all it’s glory. The second half of the clip I’m playing on the neck pickup and you can hear the sound warm up because of that pickup selection.

   I am posting the MIDI Exclusive Data for this sound patch for easy transferring to your Fender Cyber-Twin SE amplifier. If you don’t know how to work with MIDI System Exclusive data then read my tutorial titled How To Save And Load Presets To Your Fender Cyber-Twin SE. I have also posted a text file with the settings for the Cyber-Twin SE so you can enter it by hand as well. Make sure you check out the main Fender Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patch Download Page for more of my custom programmed patches.

LMC Pure Clean

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Author: Live Musician Central

My name is Matt Rushton. I have been playing in bands for 27 years. I've been playing professionally for 21 years. I have opened for Sheryl Crow, Barenaked Ladies, Joan Jett, Little River Band, and Quiet Riot.

2 thoughts on “Download Free Fender Cyber-Twin SE Preset Patch – LMC Pure Clean”

  1. Thanks fo the FENDER CT SE PATCHES

    I have a CT SE 3 years old and 1973 Fender Strat sunburst Guitar……….love it

    Much appreciate your time
    I am looking for a tripe high repeat level patch


  2. Yes thank you again for the information my friend. Great patches!

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