Today I have another of my custom programmed Fender Cyber-Twin SE preset sound patches for you to listen to and download. I use my Cyber-Twin SE in all kinds of live band settings because the amplifier is so incredibly versatile. I have programmed several ‘Special Effect’ type sound patches that I use when I need a specific sound to fill a spot in certain songs.
This sound, LMC Talk-Wah, was created specifically to mimic the sound of the Talkbox being used on the Nazarethsong “Hair Of The Dog” which my band plays. If you aren’t familiar with that song that’s okay, I play the lick in the sound clip below. The sound is similar to what Peter Frampton does on “Show Me The Way”.
The Cyber-Twin SE has a really cool effect called Touch Wah + Fuzz which is sensitive to your playing dynamics. In other words, when you pick your guitar softly the sound reacts differently from when you pick really hard. One important thing to remember to make this sound as reactive to your playing as possible is to make sure your input trim is just barely flashing red when you pick your guitar really hard at full volume. If you don’t set your input trim properly then the sound won’t respond to your playing very well.
Just in case you don’t like the responsiveness of the touch feature, I assigned the Expression Pedal to control Wah Sensitivity. That way you can tweak it on the fly if you want to. As usual, I assigned the Continuous Controller to control the Gain of the amplifier.
In the soundclip I am playing my 2004 Fender 50th Anniversary Stratocaster which has an Alder body and Samarium Cobalt Noiseless Pickups on it. The first part of the clip I’m playing the Nazareth – “Hair Of The Dog” Talkbox riff. The Stratocaster is set to the bridge pickup only in this sound clip.
I’ve posted the MIDI System Exclusive data as well as a link to the Text file so you can load this preset patch into your Cyber-Twin SE. The easiest way to load patches on the Cyber-Twin SE is with MIDI and I’ve written a tutorial called “How To Save And Load Presets On Your Fender Cyber-Twin SE With Midi Sysex” that will help you load the sound patch into your amplifier with MIDI.
You can listen to and download my other custom programmed preset patches on the Fender Cyber-Twin SE Amplifier Preset Downloads page of Live Musician Central. I hope you enjoy using “LMC Talk-Wah”. -Matt-
LMC Talk-Wah
Click The Link -> Download LMC Talk-Wah MIDI Sysex
Click The Link -> Download LMC Talk-Wah Text File
Get an authentic Talkbox on eBay!
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That is unreal cool. I love that. I’m stealing this one and throwing it in my set immediately. We do Sweet Emotion and I have been very unhappy with my Dano Free Speech talk box. The Dano is more of a toy and adds a lot of noise to my signal chain.
Thanks Chronicinsomnia, the Cyber-Twin will kick the Dano’s butt in the low noise department anyway. 🙂
Nice presets. I was wondering if you could help me with a preset that I would like to create. I would like to create a Mesa Boogie preset. Maybe based on a Dual Rectifier or a Lone Star. I cannot seem to find (or maybe I just don’t know how to get the information) anything to get me started. Can you help?
Hey Doug, yes if you can tell me what songs have the sounds you’re after I can listen to them and give you some ideas on how to match those sounds. That’s usually how I program my presets is by matching what I hear in a song. I haven’t used very many Mesa Boogie amps so I’m not as familiar with their sounds but I’m excellent at matching sounds I hear in a song. -Matt-